Activities, PRI Reports


The following is the report of activities of the state branch of PNI:

  • Visitation to the Oyo State Governor at his private residence in Ibadan in ordr to discuss the possibility of a merger between the APC and the SDP in preparation to the Gubernatorial Election which was held in April 2015. Unfortunately, the truce could not be established as the candidate of SDP was not available on time prior to the election. Three PRI members who embarked on the assignment were: the State Coordinator (Abdurrahman Salaudeen), the State Secretary (Esther Gbadamosi) and the state PRO (Taofeeq Ajibade).
  • The three members mentioned above also met with the SA (Special Assistant) and the SPA (Senior Private Assistant) to the Oyo State Governor in order to discuss the objectives and goals of the PRI.
  • Members participated at the PRI Regional meeting held in Abeokuta on February 2015. Two members of the state branch attended the meeting.
  • State meetings were held in the months of February, March and April to discuss the progress of the branch.
  • The state branch has equally extended its tentacles to the corners of the state gaining about 75% of the state constituencies with local government coordinators.
  • Distribution of BSO donation and registration cards to the people of the state.

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